Dr. Linda Brokane

Meet Dr. Linda Brokane

Meet Dr. Linda Brokane

Dr. Brokane sees cancer as a multifactorial disease that should be addressed in a holistic, integrative way. Therefore, she works with a team of professionals with virotherapy, which is the core treatment, and with other health enhancing treatment modalities. Her individual approach to each patient is of utmost priority. A gentle touch, a gentle word and a gentle virus - these are the things that can make a difference.

Work experience

  • 2009-2014: Residency in governmental cancer care clinic, treating cancer patients (mainly conventional therapy).
  • February 2015 until now: Medical oncologist, implementing virotherapy in cancer care.
  • Gestalt practitioner
  • Volunteer at patient summer camps “Source of Strength” for 5 years


  • Riga Stradins University, Residency in medicine, specialty – Oncologist Chemotherapist.
  • Riga Gestalt Institute, Gestalt therapy.
  • Gerson Institute, Module I Gerson practitioners training.

The German Doctors

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